Safemars (all your BASEs are belong to us)

Safe Mars
4 min readMar 15, 2024


On the 13th of March 2021, SAFEMARS blasted off on BSC.

Originally envisioned as a second chance for all who missed another “safe”ly named token, it quickly grew a life of its own and went on to change many peoples’ lives.

Now, 3 years later, you might be surprised to learn that SAFEMARS is still alive. Beaten and battered, but never defeated. How can it be? Remember my original promise: safe, unruggable! In fact, the liquidity tokens are burnt and the liquidity is forever locked into the Pancakeswap V1 exchange pool.

Throughout these years there were ups and downs. There are many a story for another day, but suffice to say that there are only two remaining members of the original team and ironically they are the anonymous ones. Perhaps anonymity has value after all…

To come back to SAFEMARS on BSC, it’s chugging along, slowly but surely. At this point, community grants are in effect (read more about them on our twitter or telegram announcements channel) and various developers are actively working on solutions that will push the project forward, while being rewarded with a % of the transaction taxes for their work.

Back to BASIcs…

SAFEMARS started as an experiment. One person, me. Then others rallied around. Someone made a website, someone else worked on marketing, others yet volunteered to handle social media etc etc

And so SAFEMARS grew. Through its dedicated community. I was there, I helped as much as I could and spent (a ridiculous amount of) money whenever I could.

3 years later, a part of that community still remains. Yet, though the project is alive and will be forever, many brave community members moved on. So while I will personally always continue to support and take care of SAFEMARS on BSC, I think it’s also time to get back to BASIcs.

The world has evolved. The knowledge in the crypto community has grown as well. What if we could leverage that all over again? What if we could do again everything we did right, and avoid what we did wrong? What if we could rally believers once more?

Let’s find out, together!

The great SAFEMARS experiment will repeat…on BASE chain.


The Why

To give people (and yes, missooors) a chance, once again. Fair for all, as first time around.

Also, BASE chain is not to be underestimated: it is, in my opinion, the dark horse in the race and, if Coinbase plays its cards right (when hasn’t it?), it might well end up being the place where regular people (aka normies) get onboarded to crypto in the future.

Unfortunately, it’s not technically possible to migrate Safemars from BSC to BASE due to the liquidity that is permalocked in the Pancakeswap v1 pool, so the only solution to get exposure to a potentially dominant market is to also launch on BASE.

The How

By raising enough funds for stable liquidity trading. Did you know that SAFEMARS on BSC still has a $3.5 MILLION liquidity pool? For a $5.5 million market cap?

What does “enough” mean? To provide adequate price support as well as discovery, the aim is for at least half the current SAFEMARS BSC liquidity, however nothing is set in stone (though I hope for the best).

The When

Starting now. I will run a timeboxed donation event, with the following conditions:

  • Duration: deadline 22nd of March, 05:13:52 PM UTC (easter egg there). Launch soon after
  • Caveat: if we deem enough funds for liquidity have been raised, we reserve the right to terminate the donation early and surprise launch :)
  • Caveat 2: if insufficient funds are raised, all donations will be refunded (gas out of my pocket)
  • Donation wallet: 0x2963B4311e07da3D9c50F2e1eb14659e42e3f4A9 (the SAFEMARS deployer address) (on BASE chain!)
  • Minimum donation 0.25 ETH per wallet
  • Maximum donation 2 ETH per wallet (do not send more, we want to keep a fair distribution)
  • 50% of the donated funds will be paired with SAFEMARS (not yet deployed)
  • Unlike BSC, the SAFEMARS BASE token will have 0% taxes
  • Unlike BSC, liquidity will be locked not burned. I hope that by now questions like “wen rug” are moot (remember when the SAFEMARS dev wallet was worth $40m and no rug?), liquidity will be locked for practical reasons: on BSC, by burning the liquidity, we are unable to migrate to newer Pancakeswap versions (or any other exchange for that matter). By locking instead of burning we allow some flexibility for the future.
  • There is no direct technical relationship (or bridge) with the Safemars BSC token, however the door is open for integration in the future. For now, they are separate though.

The Links

For the time being, I’m leaving this ambiguous on purpose. There is no new website, telegram or twitter. But there could be…

The truth is that the power of ambiguity and later that of community were what made Safemars great: in the beginning, there was nothing but a smart contract, a liquidity pool and a dream. Then people got involved, helped, made things happen. It worked amazingly well! So let’s try to repeat it!

(there will be a starting point in the form of a Telegram group, shared later)

Closing thoughts

As some of you might remember (or failing that, can look it up in our telegram), same as the original Safemars launch, this is an experiment. I cannot stress this enough! There is no promise of financial gain. There is no investment advice. Bugs can happen. Issues can arise. You could lose your whole donation etc etc If you have the slightest doubt, do not donate, wait and see.

On a brighter note, I will do my utmost best to make it succeed, just like 3 years ago. I will work on whatever I can. I will spend whatever I can. I will reward those who help. I will be there for the community, through thick and thin.

Regardless of which path you choose (or maybe none of them) I thank you for your support (even if that only means reading this post).

And with that…let’s make Safemars BASEd again!

